What is the “I Ching of Love” Oracle Deck About?
Let the quiet, self-reflecting wisdom of the ancient I-Ching guide you in matters of love, romance, and relationships. The I-Ching of Love is designed to help you focus on understanding yourself, your partner, and the desires that bond one to the other. With this deck, you will find that the world is never static, but always flows and mutates in a dance we call life. These 64 cards represent the 64 combinations of the I-Ching, connecting you to a revered source of wisdom that continues to inspire positive transformation.
Product Description: One “I Ching of Love” oracle deck of cards.
Average Dimension: 13.4 cm Length X 9.9 cm Width x 3.6 cm Height.
Average Weight: 400 grams.
*Retail Purchase: You will receive ONE ORACLE DECK similar to the one in the pictures with almost identical dimensions to the ones mentioned above. All measurements are approximations. Authenticity & quality are 100% guaranteed. To learn more about Crystal Dreams, follow us on our social media!
Product Description: The price is by unit. Please note that wholesale prices are only available to our official distributors.
*Wholesale Purchase: The price is by unit and you will receive ONE ORACLE DECK per every quantity you add. In order to have access to wholesale prices, you will need to apply to become an official distributor.
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