Rose quartz is a constituent element of the human body, and reinforces the link with the spiritual, with nature itself, which immerses us in an ocean of mystery and love. This quartz is fundamental to know which are the mysteries of life, the paths of the body to forgive others and to deepen ties with those we love dearly.
Knowing all this, in this article we will talk about the meaning and metaphysical properties of rose quartz, and which are the benefits that will help you find the love of your life. Keep in mind that this quartz is very powerful and, therefore, it is important that you know how to choose it.
In Crystal Dreams we help you to get the rose quartz that fits all your needs. For this reason, we have synthesized all the information about it, so you can have a wider view of everything rose quartz can help you, and how your life will be better, once you find the right person, with the help of such a powerful gem.
What is the meaning of rose quartz?
Rose quartz, also known as the “Stone of Love“, or the stone of unlimited love, has a high vibration with the waves of your body. Its energy represents unconditional love, which speaks directly to the heart chakra.
It is very effective in attracting new love, romance and intimacy, or in developing a closer bond with family or friends. Rose quartz has a high energy, and this strong energy can increase love in almost any situation you need it.
Metaphysical properties of Rose Quartz
Among the properties that we can find with the rose quartz, we can see the quality, commitment and seriousness of us, at the time of delivering a completely effective product. Therefore, we mention below what are the metaphysical properties of Rose Quartz.
- It brings energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nutrition and comfort.
- It dissolves emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates an energy of divine love throughout the aura.
- By awakening the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of fulfillment and self-realization, allowing the ability to truly give and receive love from others.
- Rose quartz has been used as a token of love as far back as 600 BC, and remains an important talisman for relationships.
- It supports connection within groups, community and high spiritual divinity.
- Carrying a rose quartz in your left pocket will bring a new romance and love into your life.
The forgotten power of love
Many people tend to discredit the effects of rose quartz, because they have never allowed themselves to know it. However, they also forget that self-esteem is the number one ingredient, to achieve all our successes and any positive change we want for our lives.
The first step on a journey of transformation is self-love, because if we don’t know how to love ourselves first, then how can we expect to be able to spread and share the love around us? If we cannot love ourselves first, then there is nothing we can offer to those around us.
Love can move mountains. So, if we have enough love for ourselves, we can achieve even our wildest dreams and overcome any obstacle that separates us from our dreams. Love is power, because while there is love, there is also hope to achieve all personal and collective goals.
Learning to love ourselves is not something we learn in school, from our peers or from society, but something we have to learn for ourselves. Learning to love is not an easy task and it does not happen as if by magic: it is a process that grows and grows, until it becomes unsustainable to overflow.
Some people live their whole lives without realizing that this is also a skill that must be developed, learned and practiced. Remember that there are two opposite poles in this universe: fear and love, which drive our actions in life. Which do you want to choose? Rose quartz will help you make the right choice.
What is Rose Quartz and how to use it?
Rose quartz is the ideal crystal to learn “how to love”. This is not as easy as it sounds, and mastering this life skill can even take a lifetime. Rose quartz is the ideal teacher when it comes to learning the art of love.
To achieve this, simply carry a piece of rose quartz in your left pocket, or make an elixir from this crystal to drink every day. The most efficient way to make a Rose Quartz elixir is to place it in a pitcher of water during the night. The next morning it should be ready to drink.
Rose Quartz: A Journey to Infinite Love and Healing
In order for us to learn to love ourselves, through the love of rose quartz, we will begin to radiate happiness like we never expected before. The right people will feel all kinds of feelings and will begin to be drawn into our lives.
However, we must remember that working with crystals requires time and patience, and rose quartz is no exception. Pay close attention to the experiences you will encounter while carrying this crystal with you, as they are most likely things Rose Quartz is trying to teach you, even if you don’t understand it at the time.
This crystal truly works in a mysterious way. When you are looking for love, first start by clearing and healing any debris, negative beliefs and your aura, so that you can achieve true meanings of what “love is supposed to be”, before “true love” comes into your life.
Remember, even if you can’t understand certain situations and they can be frustrating, trust that the crystal is making you experience that for a reason, so that you can learn and grow from it. Then, once you look at the end of your healing journey, all the dots will connect and you will understand why everything happened the way it did.
When this moment comes, you will know that you have finally met the love of your life. If you want to learn more about our rose quartz, we invite you to visit us at Crystal Dreams. Here you will find a variety of styles and 100% authentic rose quartz. That’s why visit our online store by clicking here. It will be a pleasure to serve you.