What is the “Chakra Cards for Belief Change” Oracle Deck About?
A card deck and therapy tool in one, Chakra Cards for Belief Change offers 56 full-color cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards feature high-vibration, full-color chakra images to use as tools for therapeutic guidance as well as for positive manifestation. Energy therapist and psychologist Nikki Gresham-Record explains how unhealthy beliefs can take root within the chakras, causing energetic blockages that affect us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Product Description: One “Chakra Cards for Belief Change” oracle deck of cards by Nikki Gresham-Record.
Average Dimension: 16 cm Length X 11 cm Width x 3 cm Height.
Average Weight: 411 grams.
*Retail Purchase: You will receive ONE ORACLE DECK similar to the one in the pictures with almost identical dimensions to the ones mentioned above. All measurements are approximations. Authenticity & quality are 100% guaranteed. To learn more about Crystal Dreams, follow us on our social media!
Product Description: The price is by unit. Please note that wholesale prices are only available to our official distributors.
*Wholesale Purchase: The price is by unit and you will receive ONE ORACLE DECK per every quantity you add. In order to have access to wholesale prices, you will need to apply to become an official distributor.
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